What’s the Difference Between UVA and UVB Rays?

Sunlight contains ultraviolet (UV) radiation, which consists of different types of rays. The types of UV radiation you’re probably most familiar with are UVA and UVB rays. These rays can affect your skin in different ways. 

In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the key differences between UVA and UVB rays, how they affect your skin, and what you can do to limit sun damage.

What is UV Radiation?

UV radiation is a form of electromagnetic energy. It can come from natural sources, such as sunlight, as well as artificial sources, such as lasers, black lights, and tanning beds.

The sun is the most significant source of UV radiation. It’s the product of a nuclear reaction at the sun’s core, and the radiation travels to earth via the sun’s rays. 

UV rays are classified according to wavelength: UVA (longest wavelength), UVB (medium wavelength), and UVC (shortest wavelength).

What you need to know about UVA rays

Here are some important facts about ultraviolet A (UVA) rays and how they affect your skin. 

  • They have higher wavelengths, but lower energy levels than other UV rays.
  • They’re more penetrating than UVB rays, which means they can affect cells deeper in the skin.
  • They cause indirect damage to DNA.
  • They cause skin to age prematurely, leading to visible effects such as wrinkles. They’re also associated with some skin cancers.
  • Unlike UVB rays, they’re not absorbed by the ozone layer. About 95% Trusted Source of the UV rays that reach the ground are UVA rays.
  • They cause an immediate tanning effect, and sometimes a sunburn. The effects of UVA rays tend to appear right away.
  • UVA rays are the main type of light used in tanning beds.
  • They can penetrate windows and clouds.

What you need to know about UVB rays


Here are some important facts about ultraviolet B (UVB) rays and how they affect your skin. 

  • Relative to UVA rays, UVB rays have shorter wavelengths and higher energy levels.
  • UVB rays damage the outermost layers of the skin.
  • They directly damage DNA.
  • UVB rays cause most skin cancers, but they can also contribute to skin aging prematurely.
  • They’re partially absorbed by the ozone layer, but some rays still get through. About 5% trusted sourceof the UV rays that reach the ground are UVB rays.
  • Overexposure to UVB rays leads to sunburns Usually, the effects of UVB rays are delayed, or appear a few hours after sun exposure.
  • Most tanning beds use a combination of UVA and UVB rays. Special UVB-only tanning beds may be touted as safe, but they still cause skin damage. No tanning beds are safe to use or recommended.
  • They don’t penetrate windows, and are more likely to be filtered by clouds.

Winter Care Essentials For Your Skin

Winter is the most awaited month of the year when you can wear your mittens, slip into a cosy blanket and drink numerous cups of lattes. But it also brings along oodles of skin care problems. From visible problems such as dry skin to underlying issues (e.g., eczema), a lot can happen if proper and timely measures of winter skin care are not taken. Among the other measures, you must use the suitable winter skin care products and eat the right kinds of food too. Take a look at this simple guide on winter skin care and keep your skin healthy, soft and glowing this season.

Guide on Winter Skincare Routine

Choose the correct product

It is very important to use the correct winter skin care products. Since different people have different skin types, you must find a lotion, cream or moisturiser that suits your skin the best. If you have an oily skin, you won’t benefit from using a lotion that is meant for winter care for dry skin and vice versa. So, understand your skin type and choose the moisturising products meant for you. You could try using essential oils for your skin as these oils not only supply the lost moisture, they also fill up any pits or blemishes that your skin might have sustained.

Address the areas of extra dryness

During winters you might notice some areas of your skin excessively drying out. Your lips and feet are the worst affected areas. This is primarily because the oil producing glands are not equally distributed across the body. So, identify the areas of your body that feel especially dry and address the issue right away. Depending on your general skin type, get the perfect winter care. This will hydrate the skin and make it healthy and beautiful.

Exfoliate regularly

If you notice dry, flaky skin on the surface, make sure you gently scrub it off. In fact, it is highly advisable to exfoliate your skin regularly during the winters. The skin cells on the surface dry out very quickly and prevent the moisture from reaching the layers underneath. So, use a good facial scrub and exfoliate to get rid of these dead, dry skin cells. Once that is done, thoroughly moisturise your skin with the best essential oils available on the market. This will bring a very big difference to your winter skin care routine and fetch you better and quicker results.

Stay away from the sun

It definitely feels good to sun bathe during the winter, but the direct rays of the sun on your skin can cause a lot of damage, more so in winter. The UV rays of the sun can rob the skin off all the natural oils and make it dry. And since the natural oil production is anyway low in winter, the problem intensifies. So, if you want to enjoy the warmth of the sun on a chilly winter morning, make sure you apply a good sunscreen lotion or cover your face and arms with a light scarf. This will prevent the harmful rays from directly reaching and damaging your skin cells.

Eat properly

While you can avail all of the salon services at home and pamper your skin, you can also help the situation immensely by eating right. What you eat shows on your skin. Winter comes with an assortment of green veggies rich in vitamins and nutrients. Certain foods like coconuts and olives also help to restore the natural oils of your body. Coconut is rich in healthy fats and keeps your skin soft and supple. Olives are a rich source of Vitamin E, something which is essential for fighting dry skin. So, eat right this winter and see a noticeable difference in your skin quality.

Drink lots of water

Drinking water may be something you associate with the hot and humid summers. But you will be surprised to know that water is just as beneficial during the winters too as it is during the summers. The more water you drink, the greater your skin remains hydrated from within. Water also helps to flush out the harmful toxins from the skin and helps fight various winter skin problems as well. So, stack up your work stations with bottles full of this humble potion and see the result with time.

5 Reasons You Need Sunscreens During the Winter Season

Applying a thick and creamy moisturizer and then putting on sunscreen should be a daily part of your winter skincare routine. In case you’re wondering why, here are some reasons for this.

Putting on a thick layer of sunscreen before you step out makes perfect sense during summers. After all, the sun is at its harshest during the summer months, not to mention the dehydrating effect summer heat has on your skin. And so, everyone knows that getting a moisturizer with an SPF above 15 is a must for summers.

But did you know that putting on a similarly thick layer of sunscreen that’s SPF 15 or above is a must for winters too? In fact, applying a thick and creamy moisturizer and then putting on sunscreen should be a daily part of your winter skincare routine. In case you’re wondering why, here are some reasons for this:

>1. Thin ozone means more UV

You may not know this but the ozone layer is at its thinnest during winter. This invariably means that the ozone layer will absorb less ultraviolet (UV) rays during this season and your risk of UV exposure will increase substantially. A sunscreen with high SPF is, therefore, your best bet against UV exposure during winter.

>2. Harsh winds and low moisture

The reason most people tend to have dry skin during winters is that there’s low moisture in the atmosphere and the cold winter winds are harsh. This drains the moisture off your skin, increasing the risk of wrinkles, cracks and infections. Using a moisturizing sunscreen is a good way to restore the moisture levels of your skin.

>3. Cancer risks don’t go down in winter

Winter might mean less sunlight but sun damage can still occur. Exposure to UV rays is much higher during winter, which increases the risks of sunburns, spots and therefore might increase the chances of skin cancer too. UV exposure is specifically linked to melanoma, which is the deadliest form of skin cancer. Putting on a thick layer of sunscreen can reduce these risks substantially.

>4. Sunscreen wears off faster during winters

You might think sweating makes sunscreen last for less time during summer, but this problem persists during winter too. Winter winds and sudden rains can easily degrade the layer of sunscreen you applied in the morning and the lack of moisture in the air also makes your skin feel drier. This calls for repeated application of sunscreen during winter days too.

>5. Indoor lights also cause UV exposure

There might be less sunlight during winter, which calls of greater use of electric lights. But did you know that ambient, blue and infrared lights also emit UV rays? Increased exposure to UV rays can also cause skin damage and increase the risk of skin cancer. It is therefore important to apply a layer of sunscreen even if you’re indoors during the winter season.

Should You Wear Sunscreen in The Winter?

The summer sun and the smell of SPF go together like sand and the sea; ice cream and hot weather, swimsuits and flip-flops. And so on. Think about it; that sunscreen smell instantly transports you to summer days. As for sunscreen in winter, it doesn’t evoke the same thoughts. While it makes sense for SPF to be part of your summer memories and routine, you may be wrong to reserve this skincare product for only a few months out of the year. Using sunscreen in winter—whether it’s necessary or not—is a topic we’ve seen debated, and we’d like to put it to rest. Here, learn the facts about whether you should wear sunscreen on cold, winter days, too.

Do You Need To Use Sunscreen in Winter?

We can jump right into things: Yes, wearing sunscreen in the winter is a necessity. While you likely associate the sun’s damaging ray’s with having them beat down on you and feeling the heat on your skin, the sun comes out even when it’s cold. Beyond that, the sun can also damage your skin when it’s cloudy. According to the Skin cancel Foundation, UVA rays can penetrate through clouds. They also can reach your skin through glass, so don’t assume you’re protected solely by avoiding outdoor winter activities.

Speaking of the outdoors, UVB rays will be more damaging if you’re around ice or snow. What happens is, the UV light can be reflected and hit your skin twice. That’s the potential for double the damage the UV rays otherwise can leave.

Can You Get Sunburned in The Winter?

Just like sun damage, sunburns don’t only happen in summer. The assumption that you won’t get burnt in the winter may be due to UVB rays being strongest in the summer.  However, if you aren’t wearing sunscreen in winter, the Skin Cancer Foundation states that you can, in fact, get burned. UVB rays, which are responsible for burns, can affect skin all year round. You may notice the effects of the sun less during the winter because there’s often less exposed skin and you may spend less time outside than during the summer. Still, that doesn’t mean burns aren’t possible. This is another reason wearing sunscreen in winter is key.

How To Protect Your Skin During The Winter

Follow these four tips to stay safe this winter.

1. Dress For The Occasion

In the summer, you’re unlikely to be wearing lots of layers and have your skin covered from head to toe. It’s too hot. When the temperatures start to cool off, you can break out the long pants, high necks, and full sweaters. And the good news is, not only will these clothes help keep you warm, but they can also protect your skin. It’s simple: When your skin is covered with fabric, it isn’t exposed to the sun.

2. Accessorize, Too

Staying sun safe can be quite the fashion statement. Wear a wide-brimmed hat and UV-blocking sunglasses to further protect your skin—and look chic while doing it. 

3. Use Sunscreen Every Day

As we said, sunscreen in winter is a must. And to reiterate, that isn’t only true when you’ll be outside all day. While sledding and skiing are certainly occasions that call for SPF, you’d be hard-pressed to find a daytime activity that doesn’t. You should wear broad-spectrum sunscreen every single day. Follow the Food & Drug Administration’s guidelines and use sunscreen with an SPF value of 15 or higher (30 for fair skin), making sure to reapply every two hours.

You can apply sunscreen as the final step of your skincare routine or to cut down on how long it takes you to get ready, try using a Moisturiser with Spf. This winter, we’re loving the Lavoine SPF50 UV Protect Besides offering sun protection, it also hydrates and revives skin’s youthful.

4. Apply Makeup With SPF

Take protecting your skin a step further and add more SPF to your routine via your makeup. While makeup shouldn’t replace your sunscreen, it can complement it. There are foundations, powders, highlighters, and more with SPF. We recommend Lavoine SPF50 MATTE sunscreen which has SPF 50

Should you wear sunscreen even when it’s cloudy?

We often only think about sun protection when it’s sunny outside. But you still need to take steps to protect your skin even when it’s overcast because the UV index can still cause lasting damage.

It’s easy to assume that if it’s not sunny outside then you don’t need sunscreen – after all, you’re not feeling the sun on your skin. But actually, you can still get sunburnt even when it’s overcast and grey outside. It’s the UV index that puts you at risk of burning, and that exists whether its bright and sunny or cloudy.

Rather that relying on what the weather looks like, or the temperature, when deciding if you need sunscreen you should be looking at the local UV forecast, according to Dr Walayat Hussain of the British Association of Dermatologists.

“If the UV index is three or higher, you should be protecting your skin,”” he reveals. “Your first line of defence should always be making use of shade, particularly between 11 am and 3 pm, wearing protective clothing and applying a sunscreen with a minimum 4-star UVA rating and an SPF of 30 or higher.”

Don’t fall into the trap of thinking you’re safe in the shade, either. The sun’s UV rays can reflect off sand, water or concrete and still cause damage to your skin. You can even get sunburnt when driving and skiing, so make sure you’re always protected.

Why is UV dangerous for your skin?

Any time your skin is exposed to harmful UV rays you’re at risk of sunburn, which not only causes aesthetic damage to your skin, like wrinkles, but also puts you at greater risk of skin cancer.

Every time your skin gets damaged by the sun it can cause mutations in your cells, which can lead to malignant tumours.

“The UV index is generally higher on cloudless, hot days; however, UV rays can still get through when it is completely overcast,” Hussain says. “Although you are not more likely to get sunburnt when it’s overcast, there is the risk of being lulled into a false sense of security when it is not obviously sunny.

“This can lead to sunburn on cloudy, cooler summer (and even spring) days. In the winter months, UV protection in the UK is very unlikely to be necessary except in people who are abnormally sensitive to sunlight.”

UVA and UVB rays are the two main UV rays emitted by the sun. So you need to make sure you are protected from both. That means buying a sunscreen with a high enough SPF and a decent UVA star rating.

UVA rays account for up to 95% of UV radiation reaching the Earth’s surface, according to the Skin Cancer Foundation. UVA penetrates the inner layer of the skin, called the dermis, and UVB mainly affects the outer layer of the skin, called the epidermis. Both can cause cancer.

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Skincare Basics – Your Guide To Healthy Skin

If you want healthy and flawless skin, you must always start from basic. It doesn’t matter if you are using high-end products to take care of your face. If you are not following the basic regimen of taking care of your skin, the use of these products will go for a toss.

Thus, it is very important for you to start with the basic. We have made the task of taking care of your skin easier for you. Below listed are some of the most basic Skincare tips that you must inculcate in your routine if you want a healthy and flawless skin:

  1. The most basic thing that you would want to do for your skin is regular washing. You must wash your skin on a daily basis as a part of your bath. It is not necessary to make the use of fancy products to take care of your skin. You can always go for a mild and scentless cleansing agent or face wash to do the same. Wash your face twice a day.
  2. Once you are done cleansing your skin, toning forms the next step. Toning is also one important skincare tip that maintains the pH level of your skin. As a result of regular toning, your skin becomes resistant against harmful bacteria and micro-organisms.
  3. One of the most important skincare tips which help you to maintain healthy skin is to moisturize your skin effectively. This step is going to make your skin look radiant and glowing throughout the day. After applying the toner, you must moisturize your skin using a small blob of moisturizer. You can also choose your moisturizer depending upon the type of your skin.
  4. Apart from the basic CTM, you must also exfoliate your skin regularly in order to remove the dust, dead skin cells, and other particles to finally let your skin breathe. Exfoliators whisk away all the dead particles from your skin, thereby leaving it soft, shiny, and radiant. You must exfoliate your skin once a week. You can also go for chemical exfoliation if the process is suggested by your doctor.
  5. One of the most basic skincare tips that don’t require a lot of effort from you is to drink plenty of water. Water is the most important element that your skin needs in order to make it more hydrated. Drink sufficient water throughout the day. Water is equally essential for your body.
  6. Last but not least, do not step out in the sun if you have not applied sunscreen cream. There are many ill effects of the sun’s UV ways which can take a toll to your skin. Thus, it is imperative for you to use a sunscreen of SPF 15 or more before stepping out in the sun.

Try these basic skincare tips and witness a positive change in your skin.


Most of us know the importance of wearing sunscreen in the summer months to avoid sunburn and damage, but it really should be a year-round preventive health measure. Always wear sunscreen, no matter your skin color or tone. Sunscreen dates back to ancient Egypt, where rice bran extract and jasmine were used to help shield skin from the sun. Chemists invented the first commercial sunscreen in 1936, and it has been improved upon ever since. Modern sunscreens are water resistant, and are included in many cosmetics and beauty products, such as primers, foundations, serums, and creams.

Why You Should Always Wear Sunscreen, Even on Cloudy Days Up to 80 percent of the sun’s rays can pass through clouds, so if you assume it’s OK to forgo protection on an overcast day, think again. Sunscreen is an important preventive health care habit that should be maintained all year, including the winter months. Snow can reflect up to 80 percent of ultraviolet (UV) rays, increasing your risk of exposure to sun damage. Also, the higher the altitude, the greater the UV exposure, so sunscreen is crucial for family ski vacations, too. When in doubt: always wear sunscreen!

Here are the top five reasons why applying sunscreen should be a daily habit year round:

  1. It Protects Your Skin from UV Rays: The depletion of the ozone layer has increased our risk of sun damage from harmful UV rays. Sunscreen blocks these rays, greatly reducing the likelihood of sunburn. Look for products like those from Goddess Garden with an SPF (Sun Protection Factor) of at least 15 (some doctors recommend nothing below 30), and use each and every day. For full body coverage you’ll want to apply about an ounce.
  2. It Lowers Your Skin Cancer Risk: Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in the United States. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 71,943 people were diagnosed with melanomas of the skin in 2013, and 9,394 of these cases were fatal. By applying sunscreen each day, you cut your risk of contracting skin cancers in half.
  3. It Prevents Premature Aging of the Skin: Sun damage from UV rays causes photoaging of the skin, which is characterized by a thick, leathery look; discoloration; and a breakdown of collagen, which contributes to lines, sagging and wrinkles. Studies show that those below age 55 who apply sunscreen regularly have 24 percent less chance of developing these signs of aging than those who don’t.
  4. It Helps Maintain an Even Skin Tone: Sunscreen helps prevent discoloration and dark spots from sun damage, helping you maintain a smoother and more even skin tone.
  5. Your Chances of Skin Cancer are Higher if Your Hair is Red: Scientists used to think the reason for this increased risk was due to the fair skin tone of redheads. In 2013, however, researchers discovered the MC1R gene mutation which creates red hair and fair skin. This mutation also creates a cancer causing pathway which, when exposed to UV radiation, promotes a genetic propensity towards cancer.